!! OMG, how terrifying: Goblin Shark of Tokyo Bay !!

I was just about to take some NyQuil and hope for sleep to come when I came across this disgusting creature:

Known as Mitsukurina Owstoni, the goblin shark is truly an odd and lonely creature. Identified mainly by the unusual shape of its head, or snout, which is much longer than other sharks, and also its odd colored pink skin.

I really wish I hadn’t cause now I’m just going to hallucinate Goblin Sharks singing the Y&R theme song to me from the corner of the room. If the picture doesn’t scare you enough, check out the video after the jump.

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8 Comments on "OMG, how terrifying: Goblin Shark of Tokyo Bay"

  1. which species did the japanese kill off before?

  2. Because it is a deep sea creature and never sees the light of day hence the pinkish white thin slightly translucent skin. like most deep sea creatures it needs special adaptive senses to find prey. Intriguing,.

  3. omg its like the alien from “Alien”

  4. thats not a shark its a yokai

  5. that is the thing of nightmares.

  6. Nah, in about 6 months time it’ll have it’s own magna and anime tv program where it leads the under sea rebelion.

  7. Chandler watches shark porn!

  8. Don’t worry, I am sure the Japanese will figure at least a way to put this shark into their plates and soon after this species will go extinct.

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