!! OMG, it’s coming: Bruno !!

Sacha Baron Cohen’s controversial (of course) new movie starring his Bruno persona is coming, and you can see the NSFW trailer HERE. I’m torn, it looks funny and it’s impressive how much shit-disturbing he pulls off, but I mean, is it really that different from CKY? Ah who am I kidding? I have no standards. I’d watch a BABY FIGHTING A COBRA if it meant I could distract myself from real life for 10 seconds.
Watch a vintage clip of Bruno in Alabama after the jump.

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6 Comments on "OMG, it’s coming: Bruno"

  1. I am always amazed at how the most conservative people out there still don’t understand what a camera does. Don’t they understand that if they see a camera they can bet the farm it will go up on the Internets? I guess it’s because in our faith-based science, we still haven’t approved of the theory of electromagnetism or photo chemical reactions. But any day now we will. Right after we finally put the whole theory of gravity to rest.

  2. It looks like it might be hard to watch.

  3. Gays love politically incorrect humor when it doesn’t involve them. I am gay and can’t wait to laugh… and cringe. I ain’t no victim!

  4. He’s simply not funny.

  5. I have no interest in seeing Cohen mock gays. I’m sure he’ll do for homosexuality what he did for “foreigner” humor with Borat.
    Yawn…. I’m so over him now.

  6. I’m goin to have to take your word for it cuz I have little interest in Cohen!
    Rants, Thoughts & Merde

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