!! OMG, Carrie Prejean Masturbates For Jesus !!

Every time I turn around, Mean Queen Carrie Prejean is doing something to make me love her against my better judgment. You probably heard last week about her sex tape, but this week it has been revealed that there are actually EIGHT of them. That’s right– America’s number one crusader against Opposite Marriage may hate the gays who do her hair and help her glue her bathing suit to her ass, but she has no problem with displaying her most intimate moments with her own cooter for all the world– in eight separate tapes. How fabulous!
But wait just a moment here: Carrie may not be the scarlet woman people are making her out to be. If we look to her courageous autobiography we can see that Queen Prejean– a noted theologian in addition to pageantess and demagogue– has a sound religious basis for her on-camera antics, arguing that “God gave us our bodies, and it’s perfectly right that we use them in ways where we can give glory to God.”
Who could disagree?

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3 Comments on "OMG, Carrie Prejean Masturbates For Jesus"

  1. “God gave us our bodies, and it’s perfectly right that we use them in ways where we can give glory to God.”
    Finally, she got something right. Now I can go make love to a man because I define it as using my God-given body to give glory to God. Does she hear what comes out of her mouth? Carrie. Carrie. Carrie. You’re being inappropriate.

  2. Gives new meaning to Come Find Jesus.
    Just WHAT would Jesus do. Hopefully smite her!

  3. I guess Carrie and I finally have something in common, I too have masturbated to many men named Jesus, all beautiful men, most of which are of latin descent….but none the less, those are the only things we have in common. Video whoring & Masturbation.

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