!! OMG, SURGED TO THE TITS: Brazilian man undergoes 10 operations to look Korean !!

Um, so this blue-eyed, blonde-haired Brazilian twink who got caught up in some plastic surgery headyness while spending time in South Korea decided to just GO FOR IT, spend the dough, and get the FULL-ASIAN makeover done!

The 25-year-old, who goes by the name Xiahn, underwent 10 operations in Brazil, dyed his hair and began wearing contacts so that he could look Korean.
Xiahn spent time as an exchange student in Dongseo University, where his combined interests in Kpop, Korean dramas and the popularity of plastic surgery in the country inspired his transformation.

I’m so over bad catapillar lip jobs! We need something new, and this is a great alternative!

‘I put my fingers inside the eye and pulled. That was the way I wanted to have my eyes.’

She’s truly the world’s first W2A transition!
[via shanghaist]

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1 Comment on "OMG, SURGED TO THE TITS: Brazilian man undergoes 10 operations to look Korean"

  1. Yes, I read this I had a similar reaction, I put my fingers inside my eyes and pushed, though I was screaming “Please, dear GOD, blind me from this mess!”

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