Introducing Kitty’s Litter

Remember Michael Knight from Project Runway: Season 3? Well don’t call him Michael, because it’s Mychael with a Y now, bitches. And he’s just come…

OMG, how cute: Glow Cats

Not only is the new fluorescent, glow-in-the-dark cat invented by Korean scientists adorable, it’s practical, too. You’ll never trip over him in the middle of…

OMG, he’s naked (again): Jake Shears

The Scissor Sisters have released a documentary called Hurrah: A Year of Ta-Dah that includes lots of live concert footage, backstage tid-bits, and more importantly,…

OMG, how cute: Toygers

Toygers are actually not related at all to their larger jungle-dwelling namesakes, but are the products of diligent breeding by cat ladies to achieve an…

OMG, how creepy: Pregnancy tests

I had seen this commercial on television and wondered why I was made uneasy by a simple at-home pregnancy test, and now I have finally…